люблю слова1. ОММАЖ [фр. hommage, от homme - человек, в значении вассал] - в Западной Европе периода средневековья особая символическая церемония, оформлявшая заключение вассального договора (см. Вассалитет). С внешней стороны О. выглядел следующим образом: коленопреклоненный, безоружный, с непокрытой головой человек вкладывал соединенные ладони в руки сеньора с просьбой принять его в вассалы. Сеньор поднимал его, и они обменивались поцелуями. С XI в. О. сопровождался, как правило, передачей вассалу земельного феода (лена).
Большой юридический словарь. — М.: Инфра-М. А. Я. Сухарев, В. Е. Крутских, А.Я. Сухарева. 2003.
2. hommage n. a word used in the entertainment industry to mean a respectful reference or tribute to someone or something else in the industry; for example, a remake film might make an hommage to the original.
The word is pronounced "oe-MAZH". Originally the word was one and the same as homage (pronounced "OM-ij" or "HOM-ij"), but filmmakers started thinking this word ("homage") was borrowed from French (which it is not), and wanted to sound sophisticated or more accurate, so they started pronouncing it as though it were French. When the people tasked with writing things down realized you couldn't spell the sound "oe-MAZH" as "homage", they wisely decided to use the French version of the word ("hommage"), and thus filmmakers avoided scathing ridicule for not knowing how to pronounce an honest English word. Lady Gaga makes an hommage to Alfred Hitchcock in her song "Bad Romance" by saying, "I want your psycho, your vertigo schtick—want you in my rear window, baby you're sick."
3. homage it is a hoe with awesomely epic powers of sex, like a mage. Guy 1 " Dude that girl last night totally just kept me going all night last night. I didn't know her but it was like i was under some awesomely power of sex"